Speciality Coffee
Producer & Exporter
Speciality Coffee
Producer & Exporter
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Our Company

 Our company is focused on providing top of the line Ethiopian Green Coffee. Our purpose consists of distinguishing, harvesting, implementing, and distributing exceptional coffee from the great regions of Ethiopia.

 Ethiopia for many years has provided some of the best-reviewed single-origin coffee beans. In general, also it’s known for its low bitterness, aromatic, pungent, winey quality and the spot-on acidity it has, furthermore the soil in the southern and western coffee region areas are volcanic origin, fertile loamy soil with high nutrient holding capacity of clay minerals.


This is done by a washing appliance (pulp machine) that physically scrubs away the skin off of the fresh cherries using this pulp machine and water. The coffee beans are then soaked under fresh spring water for 24 – 48 hours for wet fermentation depending on the weather conditions to remove all traces of sugar coating around the cherries (mucilage). Once fermentation is completed the parchment is thoroughly channel washed. The coffee is then shade-dried for a couple of days until it reaches 30 % moisture content, then it is sun-dried on raised African beds to 11 % moisture. The coffee undergoes 2 weeks of drying in this process. Washed coffees tend to have a pronounced acidity and a delicate, complex flavor profile.

In this process, the intact Coffee cherry as a whole is naturally dried (sun-dried). The coffee cherries are picked and spread out in thin layers onto African drying beds after harvest with the coffee fruit and mucilage still on the bean. Once dried, the fruit and mucilage are then removed from around the coffee seed all at once. Usually, a parabolic plastic cover is used at night time to improve air-flow to the beans. The cherries undergo 2 weeks to a month of total drying duration in the natural process. The coffee processed naturally is known for its deeply sweet and fruity with reminiscent of a deep flavor. The General aroma profiles include blueberry, strawberry, and/or tropical sweetness and acidity.

In this type of processing, the skin of the cherry skin is fully removed manually by the de-pulping machine as soon as possible after picking without adding additional water, then Most of the mucilage will stay on the seed then the seed is allowed to dry with some or all of its Mucilage in the drying area until it reaches to the right moisture level.The cupping profile can express sweet fruity mouthful

Anaerobic (Oxygen-free) fermentation is a new way of processing coffee that requires the coffee been fully sealed and oxygen-deprived. Ones achieving that you have to place the coffee into the fermentation tank, by using this practice you can get the best results achieving the most accurate results with the flavor also gives great control over the sugar level, temperate, and pressure.The cupping note can express tropical fruit ,bright acidity with silky body.


Our Mission

To export quality washed ,natural,honey & ANAEROBIC Ethiopian coffee all over the world whilst bringing maximum benefit to the farmers and their communities.